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14_Bag Filling Machine using Load Cell Input

Our customer manufactures machines for loading produce into bags at preset weights. A conveyor carries the produce to the bag. The conveyor speed controller slows the conveyor when the bag nears the required weight. The bag is hung from a load cell which feeds the weight to the Tiger 320 meter controller. When the bag is near the required weight, a setpoint in the meter slows the conveyor. When the bag reaches the required weight, the meter automatically compensates for produce inertia and determines when to stop the conveyor and close the conveyor feed gate. The display flashes between "BAGFUL" and "WEIGHT". The operator unclamps the bag, and the meter counts and totalizes the bag number from the bag clamp microswitch pulse. The operator fits a new bag and the clamp closes after a 1 second delay to stabalize the load cell.

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19_Fruit Weighing Application

Our customer operates a fruit packhouse. His customers deliver their fruit in large bins for grading, packing and distribution. The full bins are loaded onto a conveyer and then transferred to a load cell weighing platform. The bin raises to a weigh position and then stops. After a 1 second delay (load cell to stabilize) the full bin is weighed. The bin then raises and tips the produce onto a second grading conveyer. The bin then returns to the load cell weigh position and stops. After a 1 second delay the empty bin is weighed.

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22_Weigh and Ratio Batching Application

Our customer requires varying amounts of primary and secondary chemicals to be mixed by ratio. To improve mixing, accuracy and save time, the ratio calculation is automatically performed by a macro. A container is placed on a weighing platform and the platform is tared to 0. The primary product is poured into the container. The operator enters the required mix ratio and presses the start button.

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25_Can Label Glue Application Machine

Our customer manufactures machines for applying labels to cans. They require a controller to control the temperature of the glue and glue roller. The controller also needs to control the length of time the feed mechanism operates to feed the label over the glue roller and spin the can to apply the label. Texmate installed a Tiger 320 Series DI-503 3-display programmable meter controller (PMC). Two thermocouple inputs control the temperature of the glue and the glue roller and inhibit the machine so that it will not operate unless the glue temperature is within set limits. A timer controls the clutch, which controls the label feed and can spin time. The timer is configured for 0.001 seconds resolution and is easily adjustable by the operator.

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26_Text Messaging and Tank Level Application

Our customer has a semi-automated mixing tank and uses a level sensor to detect the tank level. The tank is filled with a primary solution to a reconfigurable percentage of the full tank, controlled by a setpoint. A secondary solution is then added by hand. Texmate installed a Tiger 320 Series DI-60AT programmable meter controller (PMC). The controller is calibrated to display the percentage in hundredths of a percent (000.00%). When the pump fills the primary solution to the selected percentage, the setpoint relay stops the pump and the controller scrolls the

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27_Boiler Energy Calculation Macro

Our customer supplies hot water from a heat exchanger to other users and charges them for kilowatt hours (kW.h) used. The customer supplied calculation to compile the macro was: The difference between water temperature out and water temperature returned x a factor x flow in liters per second. For flow rate in liters/min -> kW - Flowrate (1/m) / 60 x dT (C) x 4.190 -> kW - Flowrate (1/m) x dT (C) x 0.06983333

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28_Gas Cylinder Filling System

Our customer operates a gas dispenser that fills gas cylinders of unknown volume and calculates the cost in dollars. The meter automates the control process through a macro. In the diagram below, both valves 1 and 2 are CLOSED at the beginning of the process (the default position). When the hose connects to the gas cylinder, the safety switch triggers the macro. Valve 1 OPENS, pressurizing the small reference cylinder of known capacity, and the meter stores the pressure data measured from the pressure transducer.

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54_Steam Sterilizer / Autoclave Controller.

The Texmate sterilizer controller has many new and unique features making it ideal for steam sterilizer / autoclave manufacturers and refurbishers to upgrade analog sterilizers to digital control. The controller contains all the built-in temperature control and timer functions for steam sterilizer operations in easy to program menus described below.

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55_Wet and Dry Bulb Humidity Measurement and Control

Wet and dry bulb humidity measurement, using two temperature sensor probes, is perhaps the most reliable method of accurately calculating humidity for low temperature applications in industry today. Both sensors are mounted close together, with one designated the dry bulb sensor and the other the wet bulb sensor. The wet bulb is kept wet using a moistened cotton wick. The wet bulb is cooled relative to the dry bulb by heat loss due to moisture evaporation from the wet bulb wick. The rate of evaporation is dependent on the ambient temperature and humidity.

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57_Manual / Auto Station

In many industrial applications it is necessary to be able to control a device manually. Often a potentiometer or rotary switch is used, but this method can be too coarse and not easily repeatable. Texmate have developed a versatile and easy-to-use selection of manual stations, using their Tiger 320 Series controller, that produce an accurate, digitally controlled and scaled 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V output.

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