Texmate Panel Meter AM-20

See other DC Volt / DC Amp Panel Meters

Push-On Connector Part#CN-PUSH/AM



Base Price $130.00

A rugged 20 Segment LED Bargraph. Single positive inputs only. Input ranges: 4-20mA, 2V, 20V, and 200V, with 2V being standard.

Selectable Dot Bar mode and scale indicators. X5 resolution increase with proportional brightness mode. Custom scaling available.

Operates as a center-zero meter with isolated 5 V power supply. 0.15" segments. Current consumption 20 mA in Bar mode. Can operate from 4 to 24V DC in Dot mode.

Features & Specifications

Download AM-20 Features & Specifications (PDF).

Product Information

Download AM-20 Full Manual (PDF).

equalizer Display Options

AM-RED $0.00
Red LED option
AM-GRN $12.00
Green LED option

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Custom Display Scaling

Qty Custom digital display scaling within standard ranges

Custom Faceplates and Labels for Meters

Add a customer's product code to the meter label.

Custom Legend on non-membrane type faceplate

Custom Meter Descriptor

Dot Mode

One segment display. Specify left or center zero.

Engineering Services


Input Range Change

Range change from 0 to 200V DC. Default display scaling 1999, choose ZS for a different scaling.
Range change from 0 to 20V DC. Default display scaling 1999, choose ZS for a different scaling.
4-20mA Range Change (with Zero offset 50K Pot)

Small Run Custom Faceplates for Meters and Bargraphs

Produce and install custom faceplate per meter - 1 color
Produce and install custom faceplate per meter - 2 color
Produce and install custom faceplate per meter - 4 color
One time charge for custom faceplate design with an assigned serial number. (per serial number)

Cases and Case Accessories


Descriptor Adhesive

Power Supply