Texmate Panel Meter BN-35CL

See other Short Depth DC Powered Process Meters

Push-On Connector Part#CN-PUSH/BN



Base Price $269.00

The BN-35CL is a 3.5 digit streamlined 4 to 20mA current loop meter with a standard 24VDC internally isolated power supply (9/12/15VDC available on request). It is specifically designed to be easily user-scaled and calibrated to almost any conceivable engineering unit, such as temperature, pressure, viscosity, or flow rates, etc. without requiring component changes. On site scaling and recalibration is facilitated by multiturn potentiometers that provide continuous adjustment within each of three header-programmable full scale ranges for span and zero offset. The BN-35CL utilizes a 1/16 DIN case that is modular with all Texmate meters of a similar form factor- future repairs or replacements are "plug-and-play".

Features & Specifications

Download BN-35CL Features & Specifications (PDF).

Product Information

Download BN-35CL Full Manual (PDF).

equalizer Display Options

BN-RED $0.00
Red LED Display
BN-GREEN $24.00
3.5 digit, Green LED display
BN-BLUE $28.00
Blue LED Display, Visible under bright sunlight

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Custom Display Scaling

Qty Custom digital display scaling within standard ranges

Custom Faceplates and Labels for Meters

Add a customer's product code to the meter label.

Custom Legend on non-membrane type faceplate

Custom Meter Descriptor

Engineering Services


Input Range Change

Factory default input 4-20mA. Default display scaling 1000, choose ZS for a different scaling.

4" Switchboard Panel Mounting Adapter Plate

Cases and Case Accessories


Descriptor Adhesive

Metal Surround and Mounting Kit

Power Supply