Base Price $348.00

Built-in Programmable Scale Factor, No Input required to calibrate, 144x36mm, 101 Segment, 4 Digit 0.32” LEDs in a 9/64 DIN Case

Product Information

Download FL-BDPSF-PROCESS Full Manual (PDF).

Panel Cutout Adapter

Panel Cut-Out Trim Plate Set

equalizer Display Options

VTR $53.00
101 segments, 1mm Tri-Color LED Vertical Bar w/4 Red digits
VTG $60.00
101 segments, 1mm Tri-Color LED Vertical Bar w/4 Green digits
VRRT $22.00
101 segments, 1mm Red LED Vertical Bar w/4 Red digits on top
VRR $0.00
101 segments, 1mm Red LED Vertical Bar w/4 Red digits
VRGT $35.00
101 segments, 1mm Red LED Vertical Bar w/4 Green digits on top
VRG $14.00
101 segments, 1mm Red LED Vertical Bar w/4 Green digits
VGRT $44.00
101 segments, 1mm Green LED Vertical Bar w/4 Red digits on top
VGR $22.00
101 segments, 1mm Green LED Vertical Bar w/4 Red digits
VGGT $57.00
101 segments, 1mm Green LED Vertical Bar w/4 Green digits on top
VGG $35.00
101 segments, 1mm Green LED Vertical Bar w/4 Green digits
VBB $46.00
101 segments, 1mm Blue LED Vertical Bar w/4 Blue digits, Visible under bright sunlight
HTR $60.00
101 segments, 1mm Tri-Color LED Horizontal Bar w/4 Red digits
HTG $66.00
101 segments, 1mm Tri-Color LED Horizontal Bar w/4 Green digits
HRR $11.00
101 segments, 1mm Red LED Horizontal Bar w/4 Red digits
HRG $24.00
101 segments, 1mm Red LED Horizontal Bar w/4 Green digits
HGR $33.00
101 segments, 1mm Green LED Horizontal Bar w/4 Red digits
HGG $42.00
101 segments, 1mm Green LED Horizontal Bar w/4 Green digits
HBB $53.00
101 segments, 1mm Blue LED Horizontal Bar w/4 Blue digits, Visible under bright sunlight
DSTR $60.00
Dual Scale Tricolor LED Bar with 4 Digit Red LED, Vertical orientation
DSTG $72.00
Dual Scale Tricolor LED Bar with 4 Digit Green LED, Vertical orientation
DSRR $7.00
Dual Scale Red LED Bar with 4 Digit Red LED, Vertical
DSRG $20.00
Dual Scale Red LED Bar with 4 Digit Green LED, Vertical
DSGR $24.00
Dual Scale Green LED Bar with 4 Digit Red LED, Vertical
DSGG $38.00
Dual Scale Green LED Bar with 4 Digit Green LED, Vertical

power_input Power Supply

PS1 $0.00
PS2 $55.00

Choose Your Options ▲

Choose Your Options ▼

* One input module needs to be selected to complete the order.
* Factory pre-installed range is in bold type. For other standard ranges, select ZR under the Special Options tab.


ID01 $75.00 DC-Volts, 2/20/200V/Custom w/24V DC Exc

ID05 $93.00 DC-Volts 2/20/200/Custom V DC w/Offset and 24V Exc.


IP01 $75.00 Process Loop, 4-20mA

IP02 $86.00 Process Loop, 4-20mA with 24VDC Exc

Custom Display Scaling

Qty Custom bar display scaling within standard ranges

Custom Faceplates and Labels for Meters

Artwork Data Recovery Fee (per serial number)
Add a customer's product code to the meter label.

Custom Legend on non-membrane type faceplate

Custom Meter Descriptor

Engineering Services


Input Range Change

Qty Input Range Change from Standard Range shown in BOLD Type. Please specify range when ordering.

Optional Faceplate Color

White background faceplate with black scale of 0 to 100.

Output Custom Scaling

Qty Custom analog output range, for 101Q, 202Q series bargraphs

Small Run Custom Faceplates for Meters and Bargraphs

Produce and install custom faceplate per meter - 1 color
Produce and install custom faceplate per meter - 2 color
Produce and install custom faceplate per meter - 4 color
One time charge for custom faceplate design with an assigned serial number. (per serial number)

Cases and Case Accessories


Descriptor Adhesive

NEMA-4X Clear Lockable Water and Dust Proofing Cover