The Tiger Transfer Protocol (TTP) is a simple text based protocol accessed over TCP/IP. It was designed for small message size for GPRS and other wireless pay-per-byte networks, and runs happily over a regular LAN or Internet connection from any device. TTP was originally conceived (and based on) a highly stripped down version of standard HTTP to meet the low payload requirements outlined above. TTP is a single line request-response protocol because of this.
By Default TCP/IP Connections remain open. That is the Data Server does not close the TCP/IP socket once it sends a response to a request. Rather, the socket is left open for further communications thus saving TCP/IP byte overhead and therefore bandwith cost for mobile network usage scenarios. You can change this default in the Server Configuration File. So it is up to the Connected Device (Usually a Texmate Tiger Controller) to close the socket it opened when it is no longer needed.
A few simple examples of the protocol are given below as an introduction to the protocol and how it works.
Upload some data from a Tiger controller:
TTP /up/unitcode/<2009-1-16 15:30:45;11;22;33;44> unitkey
Download the last posted data sample from a Tiger controller:
TTP /dl/unitcode/last unitkey
OK <123 2009-01-16 15:30:45 11 22 33 44>
Note: By default the download of data will not include channel labels. You can include these labels in the download (edit the unit details in the administration panel) in which case your download might look something like this:
OK <123 2009-01-16 15:30:45 CH1=11 CH2=22 CH3=33 CH4=44>
Each transmission, both request and response, terminates with a single ASCII Carriage Return (CR) character.
You can send a Line Feed (LF) character after the Carriage Return transmission terminator which will allows you to use Terminal programs such as PuTTY on Windows for convenient testing purposes (these programs tend to send a CR/LF combo when the Enter/Return key is pressed). The resulting Line Feed is ignored as the request was deemed finished and processing started after the Carriage Return was received.
Currently, there are five* included commands in TTP:
*See the Data Server App Guide for details on adding new TTP commands to your server.
The five included TTP commands are detailed as below:
Upload data:
TTP /up/unitcode/<timestamp;value;value;value;value> unitkey
TTP /up/unitcode/<timestamp;value;value;value;value><timestamp;value;value;value;value> unitkey
& >
) that can be sent in a single request. Practically you will want to sort out how many samples you want to upload at a time versus the frequency of sending the samples to work out what is best for your application.A simple response is sent by the Data Server if the sample(s) was accepted: OK
. If the request failed for any reason, then see the Error Codes and Responses section for responses and their meanings taking note of the 406 Duplicate Sample
error response - uploaded samples must be unique according to their timestamp
and unitcode
The number of values you need to place in the Data Packet (or sample) sent depends on the configuration for that particular Unit identified by unitcode
Download the last sample for a given Unit:
TTP /dl/unitcode/last unitkey
Downloading data receives the same error responses as the upload command. If successful, the response format is detailed as follows. There are two formats for returning the last data sample for a unit, the default is shown first:
OK <sampleid timestamp value1 value2 value3 value4>
OK <sampleid timestamp label1=value1 label2=value2 label3=value3 label4=value4>
is a globally unique Integer ID assigned to each data sample. It is a chronological record of all samples stored. E.g. if sampleid
is 26540
this denotes you are receiving sample #26540 in the store of all data samples. This is not sample #26450 sent by the Unit identified by unitcode
, but sample #26540 of all samples sent by all Units - so it is guaranteed unique.YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.microseconds]
) with leading zeros, ie: 2009-01-16 15:30:45
. Microseconds are sent if non-zero (in other words if seconds is not an integer you will get microseconds.)
Send email to a pre-defined list of recipients:
TTP /em/unitcode/Subject of alert/<message goes here> unitkey
Sending email receives the same error responses as the upload command. If successful, the OK
signal is returned.
Notes: The Subject must not contain the forward slash character /
, and the Message must be contained between the <
and >
characters. You message cannot contain the Carriage Return character as that is the TTP transmission terminator - you can have New Line characters inside the message, but be aware that they will be removed by the Data Server before passing to the Email producer - so they will not appear in the email message you receive.
Mailing lists are set up on a per unit basis in the Administration Control Panel. Click on the Unit Mailing Lists link to manage mailing lists. Mailing lists link Users to Units. For each email address you want to add, just add/select a User with an email address.
Email Server settings are setup in your Configuration file.
Emails are stored in the database and can be viewed in the Administration Control Panel as well. This is also useful as Emails that failed to send are also listed here as well as ones that succeeded in sending.
Send an alarm (via email) to a pre-defined list of recipients:
TTP /al/unitcode/level unitkey
TTP /al/unitcode/level/<optional;semicolon;delimited;data;> unitkey
Sending an email alarm receives the same error responses as the upload command. If successful, the OK
signal is returned.
Notes: Alarms are sent out to the Unit Mailing List for each unit.
must be an integer.
Alarm messages are predefined within the Administration Interface. You can send out alarms without pre-defining Alarm messages, in that case some default text will be used.
Data, delimited by semicolons, as in the data upload, can be sent with the alarm as well. This data does not have to match the data for the upload command. Data must be contained between the <
and >
characters if it is sent. If the first piece of data is a timestamp, then the alarm, level, and the timestamp it occurred at, will be stored in the database and will be available for display to users.
Alarms messages are set up on a per unit basis in the Administration Control Panel. Click on the Unit Alarms link to manage alarm messages. Unit Alarms link messages to Units and are sent to the Unit Mailing List.
Email Server settings are setup in your Configuration file.
Alarms are sent as Emails, are stored in the database, and can be viewed in the Administration Control Panel as well. This is also useful as Alarms (Emails) that failed to send are also listed here as well as ones that succeeded in sending.
Check the connection details of the unit and the server:
TTP /ok/unitcode unitkey
This is useful for debugging to check the connection details programmed into the Unit match what the server has for the Unit. If successful, the OK
signal is returned, otherwise 405 Unit not found
or 402 Unauthorized
are the likely responses.
The OK Producer is implemented as an example producer in the TTPApps/
folder for you to copy and build upon. This also means this producer can be disabled by removing (or commenting out) its entry in the Server Configuration File.
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.microseconds]
.TTP /up/unitcode/<2009-1-16 15:30:45.10;11;22;33;44> unitkey
In practce if you stick to the basic specification above you will have no problems with dates being misinterpreted.
Multiple samples can be uploaded at once (as many as you wish):
TTP /up/unitcode/<2009-1-16 15:30:45;11;22;33;44><2009-1-16 15:30:46;12;23;34;45> unitkey
Possible TTP error responses (you might notice similarity with HTTP Error Codes here):
400 Bad request
This means the request was not formed correctly. You will want to check your request and modify accordingly. Most likely it was missing the initial TTP
which lets the Server know what protocol to expect in the transmission.402 Unauthorized
The supplied Unit Key does not match for the Unit Code.404 Data not found
No data was found for the requested Unit. Upload some data first and try the request again.405 Unit not found
The supplied Unit Code does not exist.406 Duplicate sample
The 406 Duplicate sample error is a special case, in that when multiple samples are uploaded in a single transaction, and a duplicated timestamp is detected, processing of the remaining samples in the transaction continues and the duplicated timestamp(s) are returned appended to the error message, along with their offset. eg:
TTP /up/unitcode/<2009-1-16 15:30:45;11;22;33;44><2009-1-16 15:30:45;11.50;23;34.5;46><2009-1-16 15:30:46;12;23;34;45> unitkey
406 Duplicate sample 2<2009-1-16 15:30:45>
But sample 1 and 3 completed successfully. Multiple duplicates are returned if more than one sample timestamp is duplicated. Timestamps are returned as sent, thus 7-1-16 15:30:45 is returned unchanged if duplicated.
500 Internal error
An error occurred on the Server - no further detail of this is given. It is recommended to try the request again as it is likely a temporary error.501 Not implemented
Only upload and download the last uploaded sample is supported - other correctly formed requests will return this error.The TTP is a flexible protocol, and easily extended with custom TTP Apps. The code below shows the TTP Protocol for extension:
TTP /command/unitcode/stuff unitkey
can be anything you dream up - just make sure there are no spaces or forward slashes.unitcode
is the Unit Code to identify the Unit sending the request.stuff
can be anything your custom request handler expects, including spaces, forward slashes, etc. There is no set length restriction.unitkey
is the text after the last space and before the carriage return ends the transmission. This is the Unit Key for the given unitcode
.Below are links to some sample Apps for both the Tiger 380 and 320 Series of Controllers on
Texmate also has a comprehensive set of documentation for our Texmate Tiger Apps available at